Conserving Koala Country

Conserving Koala Country

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Cape Otway Koalas in the news

A reporter holidaying at Cape Otway noticed the dead trees and koalas and suggested to his editor that they do a story on the issue.  This article in the Geelong Advertiser resulted in a flurry of interest from radio stations (including national ABC radio) and two TV channels (7 and 9 news).  Frank Fotinas (owner of Bimbi Park) found himself in the limelight and decided to share some of the attention with me.  I was busy for most of the day with radio interviews and 2 TV interviews.  Things quietened down fairly quickly but the media has sparked the interestof the makers of the ABC show 'Catalyst'.  They will be coming to the Cape in December to film our research activities and do a more indepth story on the issue and our research.

The following is just some of the news:
Geelong Advertiser:

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